Live Audition Information
Date & Time: TBD, Spring 2025
Location: TBD, Spring 2025
It's FREE to apply!
Tack Flute Foundations offers professional quality flutes which are loaned on an annual basis, though auditions, to flutists from 7th grade through college level who are living in Sedgwick, Butler, Reno, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman, or Cowley Counties.
Submit your form online no later than TBD.
Play one of these fantastic Tack flutes:
- Sheralynn Neff Flute
- Carroll Hellar Flute
- Nancy and Fred Kerr Flute
- Wichita Public School Flute
Tack Flute Foundations offers professional quality flutes which are loaned on an annual basis, though auditions, to flutists from 7th grade through college level who are living in Sedgwick, Butler, Reno, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman, or Cowley Counties. Keep scrolling down or click “Audition Requirements” below to learn more.
Audition Requirements
At the live audition you will be expected to play the following:
- Memorized chromatic scale to the top of your range and back down.
- Memorized major scales selected by the committee from F, Bb, Eb, G, D and A.
- An etude or technical exercise at your appropriate grade level
- A flute solo with piano accompaniment. Unaccompanied solos and solo flute pieces are not acceptable. A memorized performance is desired, but not required.
Terms of Agreement
The flutist and/or parent/guardian agree to the following:
- I understand that if I receive the honor of using one of these flutes, I am expected to return it in good playing condition to the Committee in charge at the end of the school year.
- I agree to continue studying under a private instructor in the Wichita vicinity during the year that I am the recipient of the Kerr, Neff, or Hellar flute.
- If I am selected as the recipient for the Wichita Public School Haynes Flute, I understand that I must be enrolled in my school band or orchestra. In the event that I choose to discontinue my participation in the school program, the flute must be returned to the Committee. (Although it is desirable for the recipient of the Public School Haynes flute to study under a private instructor, it is not mandatory.)
- If awarded the use of the Kerr, Neff, Hellar or the Wichita Public Schools flute, I agree to pay $100.00, made payable to the Tack Flute Foundation, to offset the cost of yearly maintenance and insurance for the flute. This amount will be due upon receipt of the flute.
- All decisions of the committee judges will be final.
- Current recipients of the Tack Flute Foundation flutes must reapply and re-audition for the use of the flute an additional year. It is the hope of the Tack Flute Foundation that recipients will be able to purchase their own flutes thereafter. The Tack Flute Foundation is to be notified immediately if any change of address of a recipient. In the event that the recipient moves outside of the state, the flute must be returned before such a move is made. During the award year, if for any reason the recipient becomes unable to play the awarded instrument for the remainder of the award year, or the recipient purchases a new flute before the end of the year, the flute must then be returned to the Tack Flute Foundation immediately.