Two fabulous events—one full morning of competition. Middle school students! Take part in our Annual Flute Showcase. High school student? Compete in our Annual Award for Excellence.
Flashback to some of our previous Showcase Winners!
Who we are and what we do.
The Tack Flute Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Each year the Committee organizes the Tack FluteFest in the Fall, which features masterclasses, flute choirs, a flute recital, and exhibits by local music stores.
Every spring, we sponsor annual flute competitions for local middle and high school flutists. In memory of George B. Tack, the Committee also annually loans professional-quality Haynes flutes to deserving young flutists who need a better flute and cannot afford one. To bring together our flute community, we host the Spring Flute Fling, a fun free opportunity for flutists of all ages and abilities to come together and sightread flute choir music, try out playing an alto or bass flute, or just listen and support the flutists as an audience member.
The Tack Flute Foundation is led by board members who volunteer their time to this organization. All donations cover the costs of events, awards, and flute repair, which directly benefit Kansas flutists.
If you have an interest in supporting our organization’s purpose, please donate. Or, you may contact us. We would love to talk about how you can partner with us to support local flutists.
Four Flutes available for loan to middle, high school, or college-aged students.
Tack Flute Foundations holds annual auditions for deserving eligible flutists to use a professional model flute for the year.
Any student currently in 7th grade through college who resides in Sedgwick County Kansas (or one of the contiguous counties of Reno, Butler, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman or Cowley), is eligible to audition.
Whether you are a beginners or advanced flutist, there are engaging activities for all skill levels. Learn more about this year’s Tack Flute Foundation’s FluteFest by tapping the button below.