Kristin Shaffer


Kristin Shaffer’s life in music was directly affected by winning the use of the original George B. Tack flute in 1984 as a 9th grader (at a time when the committee only had 2 flutes to use). The honor of being awarded this special flute at a time when affordable step up flutes were not an option, allowed her to participate in Wichita Youth Symphony and KMEA District and All state band and orchestras, and propelled the decision to major in music (especially after a chemistry class sealed her fate of not becoming a nurse). Kristin received her BM and MM in flute performance at Wichita State University, where she studied with Dr. Frances Shelly. During her time at WSU she also performed in master classes with Julius Baker and James Galway. Kristin has been the principal flutist with the Newton Mid Kansas Symphony Orchestra since 1996, and the Hutchinson Symphony Orchestra from 1998-2006. She is a member of the newly formed Wichita Wind Symphony and subs with the Wichita Symphony Orchestra as needed. Kristin is an adjunct faculty member at Bethel College, Hesston College, and Butler Community College.